Step 1 of 12
This form should be completed by the applicant only. So parents, let your children take responsibility and the steps personally to make this happen! Thanks!
Once we receive your application/registration, it will take approximately three (3) months to communicate your acceptance in the program. Once accepted, you will have another 3-6 months to prepare for the journey. The preparation is just as important as the passage and journey itself.
It is our intention to make this opportunity available for EVERY person 18-25 years old of African Ancestry to have the Birthright experience without question. It’s not a handout, it’s your Birthright!
Candidates will be selected randomly on a first come first serve basis by our selection committee.
In summary, please complete this form ONLY if you meet these requirements:
You will be required to submit a brief summary of why you would like to go on the Exploring Legacy™ Rite of Passage.