
Join the movement by donating!

Empowering leaders & Changemakers

Your generosity lifts and supports our community by empowering new leaders and changemakers with a deeper sense of awareness

Join The Movement

Donate to the Exploring Legacy Foundation(TM)

We appreciate you being here. Please find the general guidance of the donation levels with associated expenses per participant.

The Exploring Legacy ™ Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 46-4950751).

Birthright Experience

Provide a traveler with a full experience by sponsoring 10 days of the Birthright Experience


Passage Flight

This sponsorship will cover the round trip international flight from the USA to Ghana, West Africa for one traveler


Sponsor a day in Ghana. This sponsorship will provide travel with meals, lodging, and experience tour for a full day


Sponsor Staff cost for one day


Cover the cost of accommodations for one night (Double Occupancy)


Sponsor a 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship session for a participant


Convenient Donation Options

Here are the various forms of donation platforms available for your gifting convenience. You can donate a one-time gift or become a monthly contributor and receive a token of appreciation sent straight from our Ghana HQ.